5 reasons to hire a copywriter

Do you possess the same skills and knowledge a professional copywriter does? Below you’ll find the 5 reasons why hiring a professional copywriter is always worthwhile.

Imagine you hired someone to build you a beautiful and professional website, but then suddenly you’re faced with blank pages, completely void of text. Are you going to be the one to write those texts? Who knows, maybe you’d like to, especially if you’re a DIY kind of person and have a knack for Dutch and/or English, depending on your target group. But does that make it the right choice? Do you possess the same skills and knowledge a professional copywriter does? Someone who can provide you with content that’ll guarantee your website will become a SEO-proof success? Below you’ll find the 5 reasons why hiring a professional copywriter is always worthwhile.

1. It’ll save you time and hassle

Let’s be completely honest here, do you really have the time to write all of those texts yourself? Or are you willing to free up some time to be able to do so? Entrepreneurs are often plagued by little tasks that all demand your attention and time. Hiring a copywriter will save you a whole lot of hassle. And though it does cost money, it’ll leave you with more time to focus on your core business, while also getting a lot in return (not only well-written texts, but also a high-ranking website that’ll attract visitors as though it were the latest Harry Potter book release). 

2. A SEO-proof website is a good website

We’re all well-aware that the higher your website ranks on search engines such as Google, the higher the number of customers that’ll find your website, making SEO far from an unnecessary luxury. On the contrary, these days it’s a must if you want to be noticed on the World Wide Web. And well, as long as your website isn’t noticed, it isn’t particularly useful. So, do yourself a favour and hire a copywriter with a good understanding of SEO requirements.  

3. You want your texts to complement each other in terms of tone of voice and style

Clear, substantive and complementary texts will give your website the professional feel you’re looking for. That’s what you want in a website, right? Moreover, your texts should reflect what your company represents and how you want to present it to your customers. Without substantiveness, a website is nothing but a pretty picture, which isn’t going to get you the results you want.  

4. You want to set yourself apart

Why should a customer choose your company? What sets you apart from the competition? What makes your company unique? The answers to these types of questions must be easily recognisable in the texts you provide on your website. A good copywriter will be able to highlight your unique selling points with ease. 

5. Your website is your business card, and first impressions are everything

Shops put a lot of thought into their window displays and most men and women take the time to comb their hair and brush their teeth before running out the front door each morning (I’d surely hope so). First impressions matter. Your website is the face of your business, so the least you could do is make sure it’s a kind and inviting face!

If you’re interested to find out what Ludejo can do for you in terms of realising a kick-ass SEO-proof website, feel free to contact us via pm@ludejo.eu. Our dedicated team of copywriters is always ready to help. 

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